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This is the 36th year for the Youth Art Contest and The Downtown Merchants are proud to display artwork from Greater Jasper Consolidated Schools, grades 1-8 from Holy Trinity, Fifth Street, Tenth Street, Ireland
Elementary, and Jasper Middle School. Hundreds of pictures will be on display throughout this coming weekend.

As a way for the community to celebrate local youth art, grade locations and winners will be posted at each location. This event is sponsored by the Greater Downtown Jasper Business Association.

Forty winners, 1st thru 5th place receive ribbons, and first place winners in grades 1-8 receive a $25 gift card.

The Jasper Community Arts would like to thank the contest judges Curt Uebelhor and Emily Colucci Peak as well as the art teachers throughout the district Marlene Huls (Tenth Street), Kari Schwinghamer (Jasper Middle School), Lenea Harless (Holy Trinity), and Sharon Loveless (Fifth Street and Ireland).

The following winners are listed as First through Fifth place:

Grade One: Carter Gunn, Holy Trinity; Reagan Hochgesang, Holy Trinity; Brooke Slayton, Ireland; Katharine Leinenbach, Fifth Street; Daisy Barker, Fifth Street.

Grade Two: Lenin Mack, Holy Trinity; Jordan Wuchner, Holy Trinity; Asher Fraser, Holy Trinity; Emmett Hurm, Ireland; Nolan Porter, Fifth Street.

Grade Three: Lilly Bajorek, Holy Trinity; Katherine Woebkenberg, Holy Trinity; Zach Nord, Holy Trinity; Drew Estabrook, Ireland; Addylyn Calderon, Tenth Street.

Grade Four: Abigail Taylor, Ireland; Addison Schnarr, Tenth Street; Olivia Habig, Holy Trinity; Lila Schmitt, Holy Trinity; Kaia Hamlin, Holy Trinity.

Grade Five: Camryn Nehmer, Ireland; Phi Dinh, Ireland; Gianna Cabral, Holy Trinity; Leighland Garriepy, Tenth Street; Madelyn Knies, Holy Trinity.

Grade Six: Wes Eckman, Meredith Hensley, Avery Mehringer, Ava Rees, Whitney Recker; all Holy Trinity.

Grade Seven: Madeleine Buchanan, Holy Trinity; Emory Day, Jasper Middle School; Jade Maki, Jasper Middle School; Bri Wiseman, Jasper Middle School; Nick Stratton, Holy Trinity.

Grade Eight: Martin Fallon, Caleb Hopf, Ben Schitter, Braelyn Wehr, Jake Weinzapfel; all Holy Trinity.

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