This Dubois County Special Olympics 10th annual 5K Run/Walk will be held in a new way this year.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s 5K is going virtual.
Walkers/Runners will choose their own starting line, anytime and anywhere.
You will walk and/or run the 5K distance on the date and time you choose in the month of April after Governor Eric Holcomb’s stay at home ordered has been lifted.
If participating, you are encouraged to take a picture of yourself while completing the 5K and upload it to the Dubois County Special Olympics Facebook page.
You do not need to report your 5K time. No medals will be awarded during the virtual event.
If already registered, you do not need to register again.
If you are not registered yet and would like to participate, call Stephani Lane at (812) 630-4292 for additional questions.