The area is in a state of a natural gas emergency.
The natural gas system across the Midwest is seeing supply cuts that could impact the area. The natural gas grid is deteriorating and it is said that it is NOT getting better any time soon.
This all started after Texas Utilities began rolling blackouts because the extremely cold weather was blocking natural gas pipelines with frozen water.
This trend has taken over the Midwest and now there is a shortage of natural gas. To help with this, Texas, New Mexico, and Missouri have enacted rolling blackouts to help with the shortage.
Cities like Jasper are saying that contracted gas management companies like Utility Gas Management need a temporary reduction of gas usage immediately.
However, Companies like Ohio Valley Gas say that they are aware of the situation. But they are not aware of any supply issues with their customers.
For those that are affected, like those in Jasper and Huntingburg, it’s important to limit your gas usage.
It is recommended that thermostats should be set BELOW 68 degrees, blinds and shades should be shut to better insulate windows, turning off or unplugging nonessential appliances, avoiding the use of large appliances, and minimizing the use of electric lights.
Jasper has recommended that schools should shut down, and industrial and commercial businesses STOP production and turn down thermostats at all businesses to the extent possible.
This is an unprecedented event NEVER seen before in the natural gas business.