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Many Jasper locals packed the Camelot Lake Pavilion this Friday to celebrate the 69th Annual Meeting of The Chamber of Commerce. This is a yearly event that recognizes the successes and areas of improvement for the organization, as well as providing recognition to various members and their achievements.

Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, Nancy Eckerle opened the event leading the room in prayer. She then went on to explain various projects and events that the Chamber has successfully completed over the past year.

Christian Blome delivered the Outgoing President’s Report, and then invited the crowd to guess this year’s recipient of the President’s Community Excellence Award by listing some generous deeds done by the recipient for the community over the years.

“This year’s winner has volunteered in many ways throughout our community, including with the band Pit Crew, on the VUJ Foundation Board, and a coach for various soccer, baseball, flag football, and baseball teams over the years.”, said Blome.

This person was also stated to be involved in events and groups such as: German Club, Rotary Club, and Rotary President from 2019 to 2020, and their extensive commitment to the Strassenfest Committee. They are also noted to be a fourth-generation local business owner, of Ackerman Oil, and for creating and implementing the permanent Athena display at the Dubois County Museum.

Christian Blome finished the lengthy list of involvement by congratulating his “dear friend” Laura Grammer for winning this year’s Award.

Laura approached the stage with a standing ovation from members all around the room. She was asked to say a few words.

“From my standpoint, giving back to the community was supposed to happen.” Laura stated after thanking the Committee.

Laura then shared the stage with her husband of 35 years, Paul Grammer, as she accepted her award.

“The most rewarding thing about giving back to the community is getting to know so many wonderful people.”, Laura stated while standing arm-in-arm with her husband. Laura received an etched-glass award along with adding her name plaque alongside former recipients of this Award.

The keynote speaker of the Chamber event was Mr. Gerry Dick, of Inside Indiana Business.

The meeting ended with the acknowledgement of Members leaving the Board of Directors, and the welcoming of new members to the Board. The outgoing President, Christian Blome, passed the gavel onto the new President of the Chamber of Commerce, Ruger Kerstiens.

For more information on the Jasper Chamber of Commerce, visit their website:

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