12:38:29 AM

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In this episode, Kathy Bachman joins Kaitlyn Neukam to talk about “A Stitch In Time” at the Museum, along with all the events planned for April, and beyond!

Stock media provided by Pond5.

One thought on “18 WJTS in.form – The Dubois County Museum Celebrating the Art of Quilts, and More! (03/31/2023)

  1. Roxanna Hasenour says:

    Would have loved to have been there. I am retired and have a Grace Z44 frame. Had for years for when I retired. I was hoping my Grandmother could have taught me to quilt, but she is gone now. So I am YouTubing it. My husband set my frame up, quilt is in. Started to stitch a bit, but I don’t like my stitching so will keep watching.
    I love to sew, so being retired my passion is to quilt, sew, and other types of projects. I was a seamstress most my adult life, so I am excited for my new chapter in my life.
    Hope you come again so I can learn from the pros.

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