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Heart of Jasper has announced details for phase four of its Façade Grant Program and is now accepting applications for 2024.

The City of Jasper Façade Grant Program in coordination with Heart of Jasper is a program intended to provide financial assistance for exterior building façade improvements in the Downtown and Riverfront Areas of Jasper.

New in 2024 is the Sign Reimbursement Project where Heart of Jasper will grant funds towards new or updated signs on the buildings located on the Courthouse Square. The applicants will be awarded 100% of the approved project up to $800. There is no minimum requirement. The sign design must meet the guidelines and be approved by the Heart of Jasper Design Advisory Committee.

The Sign Reimbursement Project will take priority in 2024. Any remaining funds will be used towards Façade Projects. The eligible projects and guidelines remain the same as the previous years. A building or business owner is allowed to apply for funding for both projects: the Sign Reimbursement Project and a Façade Project.

Façade Grants will be awarded for 50% of the approved improvements. The minimum project plan must be over $5,000 and the maximum match will be $10,000. 

Grants will be awarded on a reimbursement basis, following an application procedure, design review, approval, and construction. Disbursement is contingent upon the submission of cost invoices from contractors and tradesmen and inspection work by the Heart of Jasper Design Advisory Committee.

The Facade Grant Program is now accepting applications for 2024. The deadline to apply is Thursday, February 22nd, 2024. Grant winners will be announced on Friday, March 8th, 2024. Guidelines and criteria to apply can be found online at You can also reach out to Kate Schwenk at

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