(FERDINAND, IN) The town council meeting for the City of Ferdinand, held on November 21st, 2023, was slated to be just like any other meeting thus far, except for one very important decision of recognition.
Signed by Kenneth Sicard, Ron Weyer, Debbie Johnson, and attested by Tamara Miller, a new proclamation now states that the week of November 20th, 2023, will now be known as: “2023 Forest Park Ranger Marching Band Week” to all in Ferdinand, Indiana.
This honor has been bestowed upon the Forest Park Marching Rangers, not only for their recent win as the ISSMA Marching Band Class D State Champions, but for all the previous victories earned as well. Which now totals 12 State Championships for the Marching Rangers.
This proclamation was sealed and approved before the conclusion of the meeting held on Tuesday night.