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Jasper Endows Today & Tomorrow (JETT) presented eleven grants in 2023 totaling $33,888.35 to local and national non-profit organizations. These organizations included:

Blackhawk Blessings ($2,500.00)

Anderson Woods ($5,000.00)

West Michigan Veterans Ranch ($5,000.00)

Strings, Inc. ($2,500.00)

Purdue Extension Dubois County ($2,000.00)

Dubois County CASA ($1,600.00)

Dubois County Leadership Academy ($5,000.00)

Brothers for Veterans ($1,634.35)

Ele’s Place ($5,000.00)

Dubois County Museum ($500.00)

Crisis Connection ($3,154.00)

JETT has awarded 94 grants since its inception in 2013, totaling $328,402.50. “All of these charitable gifts would not be possible without the matching partnership of JASPER® and our generous membership,” added JETT Founder Mark Balsmeyer. “Couple that with several member-driven fundraising events, and we are blessed to be able to support our community’s non-profit organizations.”

“In the ten years since our founding, JETT not only has partnered with localorganizations, but we have also grown to partner with national associations and non-profit affiliations that are local to our sister companies, like WELLER®,” said JETT Board Member Phalong Zehr.“In addition, other non-profit organizations like Mentors for Youth, Dubois County Community CHEW, and Strings, Inc. have been able to create their own endowments through JETT, which allows them to be more self-sustaining.”

JETT is a giving circle for Associate-Owners of Jasper Engines & Transmissions and their families that focuses on pooling resources and creating a more significant combined impact on communities. They aim to learn more about philanthropic opportunities and support those organizations that promote intelligent giving.

Each year, a portion of member donations builds the JETT endowment, totaling over $332,500.00. JETT membership has steadily increased from 29 members in 2013 to 257 in 2023.

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