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The Perry County Family Practice Clinic team was awarded the Callie Van Tornhout Award from the Indiana Immunization Coalition. They were awarded this for having a 90% or above vaccination rate for all antigens given to kids under 2.

They received the award from Callie’s mother, which was such an honor and special moment!

Callie was considered a miracle baby. It took Katie and Craig Van Tornhout five years and four miscarriages before they finally welcomed their precious daughter Callie into their lives. However, their joy turned into heartache when Callie died of pertussis (also known as whooping cough) at only five weeks of age.

She was too young to have been vaccinated yet but had been directly exposed to pertussis.

The family strives to share Callie’s story in hopes of bringing awareness of pertussis and the need for vaccines to protect ourselves and others.


Krystle Hahus, MD, FAAP

Jennifer Ficker, RN, BSN, CPN

Catelyn Rockwell, RN, ASN

Nikki Goffinet, receptionist

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