The winning number of the Jasper Strassenfest Half Pot is: A-5454609.
Due to high traffic, the Strassenfest website is currently experiencing issues, and accessing the winning number on the Half Pot page might be difficult. The team is working diligently to resolve this issue.
The final pot total reached an impressive $154,765. To claim the prize, the winner should contact the Jasper Chamber of Commerce by calling 812-482-6866 or emailing with their contact information. A Jasper Strassenfest Committee member will follow up to arrange a meeting at the Jasper Chamber of Commerce office, located at 302 West 6th Street, Jasper, IN.
To claim the prize, the winner must provide the winning ticket and a valid ID. Additional information will be provided at the meeting about the prize claim process. The winner must contact the Jasper Strassenfest by the close of business on September 16, 2024, to receive further instructions.
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