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Business, community and organization leaders from the Dubois County community gathered yesterday to listen to the latest Indiana University Economic forecast at the IU Annual Economic Forecast Luncheon at Klubhouse 61 in Jasper.

The event was hosted by the Rotary Club of Jasper.

After recognitions of oganizations and business leaders the Rotary introduced the Economic panel which included Jerry Conover, the Director of the Business Research Center at the IU Kelley School of Business and Ed Cole President of Dubois Strong.

Each speaker’s presentation overlapped or linked with each others as Conover spoke about Indiana’s economic outlook while Cole gave a forecast about the local Dubois County economy.

Conovor gave insight on how employment in Indiana has over preformed and job growth that’s taken place.

Conover also touched upon the importance of the exports sector for Indiana and that the Hoosier State is 8th highest in the nation in it’s share of the overall economy that’s provided by export activity that helps Indiana businesses grow when foreign markets increase.

In relation to the employment and the workforce on a more local scale here locally, Cole elaborates on strategies taken to attract and gain people to work in Dubois County.


Cole notes the importance of focusing on the quality of life component that can be offered to those seeking employment in Dubois County. He highlights the ongoing exemplary projects Jasper, Huntingburg, and Ferdinand are exploring in their own municipality to incorporate a workforce housing element as well as other attracting quality of life essentials.

The purpose of the economic forecast was to provide updates and opinions regarding the world, state, and economic outlook for this year in comparison to last year and share this information with rotary members and other leader

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