10:42:59 AM

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Officials with the Dubois County Emergency Management Agency say during testing that was performed Monday afternoon on the Town of Holland’s Tornado Warning siren it was determined that the siren is still not functioning properly.

After sirens across the county were tested last week, officials with the town of Holland said they found that the siren in Holland was malfunctioning and was not in service.

Holland Town Board President Tom Thacker, Fire Chief Adam Chambers and Dubois County Emergency Management Director Tammy Humbert notified Federal Field Services who inspected the siren and were thought to have repaired it.

Meanwhile officials continue to encouraged citizens not to depend on the sirens and to use their SAME weather radios and to always have fresh batteries as they are ready to provide information in regards to any severe weather headed for the area.

They note that sirens are not to replace your own notification process such as NOAA weather radios.

Ina release Dubois County Emergency Management Director Tammy Humbert says officials will continue to work on a resolution and will notify everyone immediately once the emergency siren is back in working order.

If you have any questions in reference to this test please give Humbert a call at the emergency management agency at 812-482-2202.

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