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Saturday afternoon a Holland man escaped injuries after totaling his passenger car but is now facing a charge of OWI.

Deputies with the Dubois County Sheriff’s Department say at a quarter after 4 pm Saturday Nathaniel McNabb of Holland was east bound on Holland Road NE when authorities say McNabb attempted to negotiate a 90 degree turn but was going to fast and the vehicle began to slide on some loose gravel on the roadway.

Nathaniel McNabb of Holland
Nathaniel McNabb of Holland

Deputies say McNabb’s vehicle then ran off of the roadway and into a ditch before overturning onto it’s top where it damaged a sign post owned by Saint Henry Water.

Authorities say McNabb left the scene for a short time but returned. He was offered and submitted to a certified chemical test which he failed.

McNabb was charged with Operating While Intoxicated with a blood alcohol content of 0.10% and lodged in the Dubois County Security Center without further incident.

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