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Last night the Huntingburg Common Council and Utility Board had an open discussion with each other and the presenters as they expressed their comments regarding land near east 22nd street that is being considered by developers to place an access storage facility.

Paul Lake, City of Huntingburg Planning Director, reflected on a public hearing with the Huntingburg Planning Commission that took place back on September 26th for a rezoning request by Shilo properties/ Access Storage.

Lake says the section being considered is east 22nd street approximately 35 to 400 east 22nd street on the south side of Huntingburg.

The Planning Commission approved the request with a 6-3 vote. Lake spoke on concerns expressed by community members that were present at the September meeting and public hearing. The Planning Commission a recommendation of approval was for the rezoning of about 6 and a quarter acres from the R1 to B2 heavy commercial category.

Mayor Denny Spinner spoke to the developer and representatives and engaged the council to ask questions and concerns regarding the rezoning property in question.

Some of the comments from the council dealt with public concerns as they’ve spoken with residents of that area and what their concerns are. After hearing from the council and a public comment from Steven Beck the council then voted on the issue which was then adopted.

Marty Welp of Seufert Construction elaborates on the next steps that will be considered going forward with the amending of this ordinance.

Also discussed at the meeting was the appointment of Gary Meyerholtz as the city’s new Water Superintendent. Spinner explains his qualification and experience.

Spinner recalled the appointment of Jason Stamm as both the city’s Water and Street Department superintendent on a temporary basis and the position would be reevaluated in 90 days. Stamm recommended separate leadership and recommended Meyerholtz for the position.


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