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The Indiana Senate is now considering House Bill 1002, which would provide a long-term road funding plan for the state.

The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) estimates a $1 billion-per-year shortfall in road funding over the next 20 years. INDOT’s projections show that if the problem is not addressed, drivers will face severe deterioration of our state highways and bridges.

Discussion on how to address this funding gap is focused on a user-pays approach. Under this system, those who use our roads the most pay the most, and will also get the most benefit.

Here are some of the options being considered to increase road funding:

Dedicating more of the sales tax on gasoline to road funding
Raising and indexing fuel-tax rates
New fees on alternative vehicles that pay little or no fuel taxes
Vehicle registration fees
Limited bonding
With a fully funded long-term roads plan, Indiana would be able to complete needed projects across the state, including:

Improvements to U.S. 231 between Jasper and I-69
Finishing the final section of I-69 from Martinsville to Indianapolis

It’s important for to know the public’s thoughts on these options. Please email me Mark Messmer at or call my office at 800-382-9467 to provide feedback on this important issue.

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