BIRDSEYE – The 26th Annual Star Party is scheduled for Saturday, June 24 from 11a.m. -4p.m. at the Patoka Lake Nature Center then from 6p.m.- 11p.m. (or later) at the Patoka Lake Beach. Enjoy a special presentation by members of the Louisville & Evansville Astronomical Societies and the Stonebelt Stargazers of Bedford, IN as they share their knowledge of the solar system. Special program times are as follows:
12p.m. A Total Solar Eclipse
1p.m. The Wonders of the Cosmos- “What’s within reach for amateur telescopes.”
2p.m. Where Will You Be on August 21st?- The 2017 Total Eclipse
3p.m. The Night Sky over Patoka- an interactive tour of our night sky
11 to 4p.m. Solar Observing- Safely view the sun through specially filtered telescopes.
6-10p.m. Stars on the Beach- amateur astronomers will share their knowledge of the night sky and have telescopes set up for viewing of celestial wonders. A special astronomy presentation will be held at 8p.m. Certified glasses safe for viewing the upcoming solar eclipse will be given away at the Nature Center and beach for all in attendance while supplies last.
The rain out date will be Saturday, July 29th.
The entrance fee of $7 per vehicle for Indiana residents ($9 out of state) is required for the Newton Stewart State Recreation Area, Patoka Reservoir, located north of Wickliffe, Indiana, Highway 164. For more information regarding this program or other interpretive events, call the Nature Center at 812-685-2447.