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With a recent series of major funding sources aligning in support of Next Act’s effort to renovate the interior of the historic Astra Theatre, a full and complete renovation—inclusive of the interior renovation—appears to be on the horizon.

In August of last year Next Act received a historic preservation grant from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs to complete rehabilitation of the building’s exterior as well as major infrastructure replacement. That construction, an approximate half million dollar project, is currently underway.

The group had been lobbying and working hard to close an additional $500,000 financial gap that would allow contractors to stay on site and seamlessly transition from the work supported by the OCRA grant dollars to the next phase of interior renovations.

Next Act Chairperson Leslie Hamby says their goal has always been two-fold: of course finishing the Astra, but then also figuring out a way to do it all at once so as not to disturb their neighbors downtown more than one time for major renovations.

A string of recent gifts, donations, and charitable acts appear to have aligned to close that gap and bring a fully renovated Astra by spring of 2018, once a pipe dream, closer to reality.

It began with a favorable bid by Seufert Construction for the OCRA historic preservation work that, barring any unforeseen circumstances, will enable Next Act to redirect dollars that were originally projected to cover out-of-pocket expenses related to the historic preservation project.

Next, the Dubois County Community Foundation, a crucial partner of Next Act from the organization’s earliest days, committed a $50,000 grant towards the interior renovations, and coordinated gifts from multiple donors totaling an additional $50,000.

Community Foundation Executive Director Clayton Boyles says the foundation feels the Astra Theatre renovation has and will continue to enhance the community and says they will remain committed to the group as they carry this project to completion.

Boyles says their role in the project exemplifies how they best serve the community, through endowment building, grant-making, and community convening. Boyles says they are grateful to their donors who choose to partner with the community foundation to facilitate their philanthropy.
Jasper LEADs fits into the funding puzzle as the final piece. LEADs has been diligently working to meet and then exceed the recent challenge grant requirements that were included by Jasper residents and community arts advocates Jim and Pat Thyen.

Jasper LEADs recently committed $200,000 to the Astra’s interior renovation project. The $200,000 commitment is inclusive of the recent $70,000 Give Where You Live! day’s effort.

Jasper LEADs also committed, if necessary, an additional $100,000 in the event of unforeseen circumstances or if additional funding needs become necessary.

At this time, it is the hope, intent, and goal of Next Act’s board of directors to work collaboratively with Seufert Construction to aim for a grand re-opening of the historic theater in April 2018, coinciding with the 82nd anniversary of the venue’s original grand opening date, April 17, 1936.

For additional information about the Next Act, the historic Astra Theatre, or how to donate, visit

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