Yesterday the Jasper Public Library Board worked to fine tune the city works contract and inter local agreement that they will be entering into with the City of Jasper.
The agreement is a shared cost for the new facility that the library and city will be funding in a partnership.
Jasper Library Director Christine Golden is excited for the project to get off the ground but emphasized how great it is to get things done correctly rather than quickly.
The board also heard during the meeting about the opportunity available for re-purposing the old boiler room of the Hoosier Desk site and the library board is asking anyone in the public who would be interested in incorporating the unused space with a future of entrepreneurship in mind.
Golden says she would like to get the word out about the possibilities for the boiler room before deconstruction begins.
After the inter local agreement is completed the Jasper Library Board and Community Arts Commission project will see its next step with designs going out to bid.