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The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) will host a public hearing with regard to the proposed ­­­­­­­­­­­­SR 162 bridge rehabilitation project over the Straight River, 3.97 miles north of SR 64, located in Dubois County. The purpose of the public hearing is to offer all interested persons an opportunity to comment on the draft environmental document and preliminary design plans for a proposed project. The hearing will convene onWednesday, August 23, 2017, starting at 5:30 p.m. at the Jasper Public Library, (Annex), 1116 Main Street, Jasper, Indiana 47546.

 As part of the Indiana Historic Bridge Inventory project, the SR 162 pony truss bridge (No.162-19-01925A, National Bridge Inventory (NBI) No. 28400) is determined to be eligible in the National Register of Historic Places (National Register) under Criterion C, exceptional overall or main span length for its type representing an innovative design and or construction method. The bridge was designated as “Select” in the Indiana Historic Bridge Inventory, which means it is suitable for preservation and is an excellent example of this type of bridge.

 The preferred alternative involves rehabilitation of the existing structure for continued vehicular use and would follow the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation as outlined in the Standard Treatment Approach for Historic Bridges.

 Under the preferred alternative, the proposed project would include but not limited to replacement of damaged rivets, bridge members as required, bridge deck, approaches, guardrails, and repair of truss. The rehabilitation is proposed to extend the service life of the bridge to 20 years. The maintenance of traffic consists of phased construction that includes the use of a temporary signal and alternating one-way traffic. Access to all driveways will be maintained and school corporations and emergency services will be notified prior to any construction that would block or limit access.

 The Categorical Exclusion Level 4 environmental document and preliminary design plans are available to view prior to the public hearing at the following locations:

  1. Jasper Public Library, 1116 Main St., Jasper, IN 47546; Phone # (812) 482-2712
  2. Indiana Department of Transportation Vincennes District Office, 3650 South US 41, Vincennes, IN 47591, Customer Service # 1-800-279-5758
  3. Hearings Examiner, Indiana Government Center North, N642, 100 North Senate Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46204‑2216. Phone # (317) 234‑0796

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