Organizers and sponsors of the Dubois County Medication Collection Day say despite the cool weather, the collection this past Saturday brought many folks out to the sites to clean out their medication cabinets and closets.
In a release, Tri-Cap RSVP director Becky Beckman stated that approximately 375 residents brought in 350 pounds of unused medications for proper disposal.
Dubois County Solid Waste District director Carla Striegel-Winner oversaw the recycling effort and noted that over 120 pounds of packaging materials were recycled during the event.
The medications were prepared for proper disposal by volunteers and staff of sponsoring organizations. Each properly disposed of item reduces contamination in our water system and alleviates potential for accidental overdose or ingestion of outdated or incorrect medication. It is medication kept away from kids, teenagers or those susceptible to becoming prescription medication addicts.
Sponsors for the event include the Indiana State Police Post District 34, the Dubois County Sheriff’s Department, the Ferdinand and Celestine Volunteer Fire Departments, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Dubois County Substance Abuse Council, Tri-CAP RSVP, the Habig Older Americans Center and the Dubois County Solid Waste District.
Another collection day will be held in the spring, but residents are also encouraged to utilize the Huntingburg Police Department’s 24/7 lobby drop box, which is available to any Dubois County resident at any time.