Northeast Dubois school board met last night and approved the 2018-19 school calendar.
The calendar is a shared joint county wide effort in its second year, to standardize Dubois county schools schedules. While not all of the four county schools calendar dates are the same most will remain similar.
Schools host vocational programs across the district and in years past students along with educators, would have to keep track of different calendars.
Northeast Dubois Superintendent Bill Hochesang is pleased that the four schools are working together when it comes to scheduling….
With the common calendar for the county comes a joint professional development day in which all four schools will be participating. All Dubois county educators, around 450 teachers, will meet in the Jasper High School Auditorium on January 22nd and will have a chance to hear the 2015 Teacher of the Year Kathy Nimmer. The Professional development day allows teachers to compare and contrast techniques, new ideas and best practices for education.
The board also heard from some special guest as Jenifer Ashby a 3rd grade teacher at Dubois Elementary brought along a couple of students who spoke to the board about the service project both 3rd grade classes have been involved in.

Kaitlyn Johnson and Grace Dooley, students in Mrs. Ashby’s class shared that 3rd graders at Dubois Elementary made stuffed bears to donate to the Dubois and Haysville Fire departments for children who have lost their home to a fire or have been in accident, with the bears to provide comfort in a time of tragedy. Two of the bears have already been shared.