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The Dubois County Local Emergency Planning Committee held a Full Scale Exercise this weekend.

Local police, fire, Emergency Medical Services, dispatchers, hospital personnel, hazmat teams, industry, safety and environmental managers, and Emergency Management Staff took part in the exercise Saturday morning at The Farbest Foods plant along South 400 West in Huntingburg.

An Anhydrous Ammonia leak was simulated at the facility with students from Vincennes University portraying the victims of the incident.

Pat Todd with Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center was the coordinator for the event. He says the purpose of the training was to increase respondents ability to manage a Hazmat incident….

The even focused on a fixed facility Hazmat incident.

Dubois County Emergency Management Director Tammy Humbert says the Full-Scale exercise allowed all participants to respond and train as if it were a real situation…..


About 30 students from VU and Vincennes University Jasper Campus took part in the exercise that involved 150 people from numerous Dubois County emergency response agencies.

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