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The Jasper Chamber of Commerce held its 65th Annual Luncheon Meeting Wednesday at Klubhaus 61 in Jasper.

The event included the introduction of new officers for the coming year along with the presentation of the Annual President’s Community Excellence Award and a keynote speaker.

During the meeting, outgoing chamber board President Brian Hostetter recognized board members and other officers who served during the 2018 term including himself, Diann Meneilly-Horney, Lori Persohn, Julie Dutchess and Anthony Seng.

The Annual President’s Community Excellence Award, is given each year to an individual in the community who has given of himself/herself in a variety of ways in order to “make a difference.”

This year’s recipient is Dean Vonderheide.

Vonderheide is an at-large member of the Jasper City Council, a member of Jasper Leads, a member of the Dubois County Contractual Library Board and is currently President of the Jasper Library Board.

He is a 50-year member of Trinity United Church of Christ in Jasper and is the industry representative of the Vincennes University Community Advisory Committee which established curriculum for the new Center for Technology, Innovation and Manufacturing on the Jasper Campus.

Vonderheide retired from Kimball International in 2015 after 31-years with the company. He is currently a member and co-owner of White River Hops LLC, a small agricultural based business supporting the regional craft beer industry and a member and co-owner of Crawford County Outfitters LLC.

Dean talks about receiving the award……

Vonderheide is the 29th person to be selected for the Annual President’s Community Excellence Award.   Last year’s recipient was John Seng.


After the presentation of the President’s award, new board members for 2019 were introduced.

Officers include President Tom Moorman, Vice-President Mark Fierst, Secretary Rachel Levin and Treasurer Bernie Kreilein.

Other board members include returnees Tim Gray, Dr. Timothy Barry, Opal Sermersheim, Angie Kleinhelter, Sheri Keller, Cody Ziegler and Christian Blome.

New members are Mike Horney, Patrick Uebelhor, Mary Leah Siegel, Kate Schwenk and Ted Miller.

Incoming Jasper Chamber President Tom Moorman looks ahead at the upcoming year for the chamber….

In addition to the board of directors, the Jasper Chamber has two staff positions held by Executive Director Nancy Eckerle and Office Manager Janet Beckman.

This year’s Keynote speaker was NSWC Crane Commanding Officer, Captain Mark Oesterreich.

18 WJTS TV in jasper recorded the luncheon and will rebroadcast the meeting next Thursday October 25th at 8 PM and again on Sunday October 28th at 2 PM eastern time.

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