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Honors, recognition, updates and a little hospitality were the highlights of the Annual Membership Appreciation Dinner of the Ferdinand Chamber of Commerce Wednesday night.


Rich Helming was named the Ferdinand Community Service Award Recipient for a Lifetime dedicated to serving the needs of others and his community.  Rich was surprised with the award:

Helming is well known as the past owner of Fleig’s Café in Ferdinand along with his wife Betty and for his contributions to the betterment of the town.


Another honor handed out by the Ferdinand chamber was the 2018 Forest Park Alumni Profile in Success Honor awarded to Phil Barth.  Barth graduated in 1994 and will be speaking to the students of forest park about his successes and many careers.


Barth offered this advice for the youth:

Current Ferdinand Chamber Board President Mike Blume kicked off the evening’s events followed by comments from Southeast Dubois Schools Superintendent Rick Allen who spoke of the collaboration of schools and industry in order to provide the best education for students.


Allen noted that this January 1st will mark the 50th Anniversary of the forming of the four school corporations in Dubois County.


Allen talked about how education is changing and how southeast schools are meeting that challenge.


Key note speaker this year was Pat Koch of Santa Claus Fame.  Mrs. Koch delighted the crowd of over 300 with words of advice on hospitality and attitude.

The Annual Ferdinand Chamber Membership Dinner also includes the presentation of the state of the town address.


Ken Sicard, President of the Ferdinand Town Council thanked the Residents of Ferdinand and Town Employees for a Strong Year in 2018.


He noted the establishment of the economic development commission, the ADA crosswalks, and the completion of the 23rd Street Community Crossings Project.


He projected that good things are coming in 2019 including the Old Lake Trail Park Project.

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