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Dubois County republican committee members that voted in a caucus last Wednesday December 26th to select newly appointed Jasper Mayor Dean Vonderheide will soon gather once again to select Vonderheide’s replacement on the City Council.

That caucus will be held at 9 am Saturday January 12th in the Pfaffenweiler Room of Jasper City Hall.

Dubois County Republican Party Chairman Mark Messmer Wednesday released a list of those who have applied for the caucus thus far.

They include:

Steve Block, Adrian Engelberth, Chad Lueken, Tim Bell, Steve Messmer, Paul Lorey, Bernie Fallon and Merrill Osterman.

Messmer says since the open council seat is an At-Large seat, it will be open to anyone who lives withing the city’s limits as long as they voted on the republican ticket in the last primary election.

Any other interested candidates have until 9 am next Wednesday January 9th to file for the caucus. They must pick up and complete a candidacy form, CEB-5, and send it to Messmer 72 hours prior to the caucus meeting to Messmer’s home address is 795 East Scherle Lane in Jasper.

The forms are available at the Dubois County Clerk’s office in the Dubois County Courthouse or at Messmer’s office at 402 Third Avenue in Jasper.

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