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The Jasper Strassenfest Committee has picked “Jasper, Indiana Chamber Community of the Year” as the theme for this year’s fest.

The theme was chosen due to the fact that the City was recognized by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce as the Indiana Community of the Year this past year.

The Strassenfest Committee has also chosen the “Hofmarschall” or “Grand Marshall” for the 2019, 41st annual Jasper Strassenfest.

To coincide with the state-wide honor of “Community of the Year,” the committee
felt it was a fitting choice to name the person who nominated the city for this prestigious award, that being Indiana Chamber of Commerce Board Member and owner of Jasper based Matrix Integration, Brenda Stallings, as the 2019 Strassenfest Hofmarschall.

As Strassenfest Hofmarschall, Brenda will speak at opening ceremonies on Thursday August 1st. She will also attend several Strassenfest events and activities as well as serve as Hofmarschall, or Grand Marshall, to lead the Strassenfest parade on Sunday August 4th.

The official 2019 Strassenfest Logo and Button is still in the design phase at this time, but should be completed and released in the next few weeks.

The Strassenfest Committee would also like to announce that sponsorship request letters will be mailed soon.

The committee encourages past sponsors of the Jasper Strassenfest to watch their mail for these letters and respond as quickly as possible. All cash and in-kind sponsors are listed in the events and activities program booklet each year.

Make plans now to attend the 2019, 41st annual, Jasper Strassenfest, August 1st though the 4th in downtown Jasper.

For more information about Strassenfest activities and events contact the Jasper Chamber of Commerce at 812-482-6866 or visit

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