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A former Mayor of Huntingburg, now living in Jasper as announced his intentions to seek the same office in Jasper.

In a release 54-year old Marvin Belcher announced his candidacy for the office of Jasper Mayor in the 2019 municipal elections.

Belcher says he decided to run after speaking with family and friends who encouraged him to seek the Democrat Party nomination.

In the release Belcher called himself a blue-collar guy, with a modest house in Jasper who wants to make the city a good place for his kids to live and raise their families. He cited the need for responsible spending of tax dollars on major building projects while focusing on the upkeep of the city’s infrastructure, such as roads and sewers as one of his reasons to seek the Mayor’s office.

He called the Jasper Police and Fire departments one of the community’s best assets and says he wants to assure the city fully funds both to make sure Jasper maintains its status of one of the best cities to live in the State of Indiana.

Belcher and his wife Heather live on the north side of Jasper along with their daughter, a junior at Jasper High School.

Two other children, a 20-year old son works at Jasper Engines and a 28-year old daughter works for the Dubois County Sherriff’s department. Both live in the Jasper community as well.

They have one grandchild.

Belcher and his wife are active in many local organizations as members of the VFW, the American Legion, and the Jasper Moose Lodge as well as members of the Eagles Lodge of Huntingburg where they also manage the facility.

Belcher served as Mayor of Huntingburg from 2008 to 2012. He feels his experience in running a city successfully, leaving office with a budget surplus and fully funded city improvement projects gives him the advantage in the race for Mayor.

Belcher in an addition has worked for more than 25 years in municipal government in Waste Water
management. He says when it comes to serving the public he says he has done it, lived it and know how it works.

The Belcher campaign will be making announcements in the next few days about his
Campaign Manager and staff.

Current Jasper Mayor Dean Vonderheide who was appointed in December to finish the final year of former mayor Terry Seitz’s term is seeking the Republican nomination for a full term.

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