Becoming an Eagle Scout is one of the highest honors a someone can achieve in their young lives. Becoming an Eagle Scout represents years of hard work and dedication through work done through the Scouting BSA program. Several astronauts and US presidents have earned this honor, and recently, a young man by the name of Nathan Michael Mehringer was also given this honor.
Nathan Mehringer is a member of the Boy Scout Troop 185 and has been scouting since 2009, where his years in Cub Scouts started. He was a member of Cub Scout Pack 183. There he achieved the Light of Christ award and the Parvuli Dei award. When moving up to Boy Scout Troop 185 in 2013, Nathan achieved his Bobcat Patrol patch and the Ad Altare Dei Religious Emblem, as well as many different merit badges, 21 of which were required for the rank of Eagle Scout. He also participated in Venture Crew Scouting in 206, where he was able to head to the famous Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico in 2016 as well as take a Florida Keys Scuba Diving Trip in 2017
A final requirement to achieve the rank of Eagle is to perform a project that benefits the community. Nathan’s project involved landscaping and riprapping the steep hill between the Small Animal Barn and Horse Barn at the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds. He cleaned up the area, trimmed trees, placed riprap on the west side of the steps and landscaped the east side.
Although he earned the rank of Eagle on August 2nd of last year, Nathan had his Eagle Scout Court of Honor held this past Sunday at Holy Family. Which included a special reading from Kyle and Brent Mehringer, an Eagle Scout charge from Fred Feltner, and Remarks from Nathan himself.
Nathan Mehringer is now a Junior in High School at Jasper High School. His parents are Lori and Todd Mehringer.
To learn more about Scouting, go to