Jasper’s Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center held its first Match Day celebration on March 15 as part of its family medicine residency program and is happy to announce that all five open residency spots were filled.
Match Day is the day when most medical students across the country learn the location where they will be spending the next three to seven years to finish their medical training, and residency programs discover the new doctors that will be joining their programs.
The five doctors who will begin resident training at Memorial Hospital’s new family medicine residency program are Priya Alex, Taha Hussain, Kristina Ramgobin, Marina Sidra-Gerges, and Stephanie Sparkes.
Match Day is the culmination of several months of interviews, after which medical students rank their top choices of residency programs, and residency programs rank their top medical students.
The National Resident Matching Program® then matches medical students with residency programs. If medical students and residency programs don’t match up, the positions can be left unfilled, which means more work to try and fill the positions with qualified doctors. Memorial Hospital was excited to learn they filled all five positions with their top choices.
The new physicians will begin their Graduate Medical Education at Memorial Hospital on July 1st.
In addition to classroom-style learning, the new physicians will also be gaining experience by seeing patients at Memorial Health Family Medicine and throughout Memorial Hospital under the guidance of board-certified physicians.
The family medicine residency program is accredited through ACGME and receives support from the Southwestern Indiana Graduate Medical Education Consortium and IU School of Medicine – Evansville campus.