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The Indiana Department of Transportation announces lane closures for a bridge rehabilitation project on State Road 66 near Rockport.

Beginning on or around Thursday, May 16, contractors will close the eastbound lane of S.R. 66 to begin a bridge deck rehabilitation on the structure spanning Honey Creek. The project will include patching and resurfacing of the driving surface. Work on the eastbound side is scheduled to last for about six weeks and then crews will switch over and close the westbound lanes, which is also scheduled to take about six weeks.

During the operation, lanes will be closed around the clock and traffic will be controlled by a temporary signal. Lanes will be restricted to about 18 feet, including driving lane and shoulder area. Loads larger than that will need to use the nearest state routes as a detour. Depending upon weather conditions, the project is scheduled to be complete in mid to late August.

INDOT urges drivers to slow down and stay alert near crews.

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