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Medication Collection Day has been announced for the end of October.

Join the Dubois County Solid Waste District as they kick off their 17th year of Medication Collections in Dubois County. Here, residents can help with the addiction solution in the area by bagging expired, unused, and unwanted pharmaceuticals and disposing of them at the Dubois County Medication Collection on Saturday, October 26, 2019. This is part of the DEA National Pharmaceutical Drug Take Back Event.  The Jasper State Police Post will host the collection from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. while the Birdseye Fire Station and the Ireland Fire Station will host from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The Huntingburg and Jasper Police Stations also accept pharmaceuticals 24/7 in their drop boxes located at 503 E. 1st Street and 309 E 6th Street respectively.

Chief Deputy Chris Faulkenberg asks Dubois County residents to rid their homes from expired, unwanted, and unused medications. Unused drugs are a common household health threat that can be lessened when old and unused meds are cleaned out of a home. Vitamins, ointments, syrups, drops, herbal products, meds that should have been kept cold but were not, and aerosols not in pressurized containers will be accepted at the collection sites. 

No sharps, infectious materials, anything containing bodily fluids, or waste will be collected.  This collection is for private citizens only.  No collections will be accepted from businesses or health facilities.

Dubois County Solid Waste Management Director Carla Striegel-Winner wants to remind residents that correct disposal of medications creates a safer and cleaner environment, and greater public awareness reduces illegal activities and scavenging of personal property and public waste receptacles.  Pharmaceuticals, when poured down the drain, or flushed down the toilet enter the sewage system, and potentially our rivers, groundwater, and drinking water. Some drugs may kill the beneficial bacteria in sewage treatment plants and septic systems if flushed down the drain and may produce resistant infectious bacteria.  Burning can release toxic pollutants into the air, and if thrown in the trash, can be scavenged from trash receptacles to be illegally sold or ingested.  If they go to landfills, drugs can contaminate the environment.

The Dubois County Sheriff’s Department will supervise the collections at the Birdseye and Ireland Fire Stations, and the Indiana State Police will supervise the Jasper Post site.  


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