The Dubois County Health Department is requesting a VOLUNTARY CLOSURE OF non-essential businesses.
The reason they are asking for voluntary closure is done with the intention of providing social distancing (at least six (6) feet away from other people) and limiting gatherings to fewer than ten (10) people. Some businesses have accomplished this by curbside delivery, direction/markers on floors, signs on front doors, call ahead, and limiting the number of customers inside at a single time.
If retail stores cannot devise measures to maintain social distancing (at least six (6) feet away from other people) and limiting social gatherings to fewer than ten (10), then it would be strongly encouraged to close at this time.
All non-essential retail businesses include, but is not limited to, nail salons, spas, cosmetology/barber shops, liquor stores, body art/tattoo establishments, tanning salons, massage, and acupuncture establishments, electronic stores, department stores, hobby/craft stores, automotive dealerships, furniture stores, clothing stores, retail stores, and any other in-person retail businesses.
-This does not prohibit the operation of essential retail business. Essential retail business includes but is not necessarily limited to health care facilities, pharmacies, facilities that sell food products, gas stations, auto repair shops, including automotive dealership repair operations, factories, hardware stores, telecommunications stores, and other essential retail.
-This does not prohibit the operation of drive-thru, take-out, curbside, and delivery services, provided that social distancing (at least six (6) feet away from other people) and limiting gatherings to fewer than ten (10) people.
For more clarifications, business owners can call the Dubois County Health Department at 812.481.7050 for additional guidance.