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Loogootee Community Schools has released more information about its virtual option for the fall semester.

COVID-19 Online Academy was created as an alternative option for families who are not comfortable with sending their students to the traditional school building because of COVID-19.

The school will issue devices for students to use. All students will still have access to the school social worker and guidance counselor.

A Loogootee staff member will monitor the student’s progress and provide student learning assistance.

COVID-19 online academy K to 5th-grade students will focus on the four core subject areas: math, science, English, language arts, and social studies and will have two electives.

These students will develop strong reading comprehension skills, write original composition pieces, develop critical thinking skills, learn fundamental math concepts, read classic literature, explore a variety of science topics and learn about the world around them.

All courses offered to 6th to 12th-grade students are aligned to Indiana Academic Standards and Indiana’s graduation requirements.

These courses are broken up into units. Each unit has activities like pretests, tutorials, practice activities, discussion posts, mastery tests, and posttests.

Students who enroll in the virtual option will remain enrolled as Loogootee students and may participate in extracurricular activities.

Enrollment forms must be completed and submitted to the school by Monday, August 3rd.

For more information, visit

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