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Veterans Day Observance of the Dubois County Veterans Council will be held on Saturday, November 5th.  Kent Schreiner, President of the Dubois County Veterans Council and Commander of Post #124, announced activities will begin with an 8:00 AM mass at St. Joseph Church Jasper with all Veterans post and organizations posting their colors.  Holland American Legion Post #343 will be this year’s host for this year’s Veterans Day Observancebeginning at 2:00 pm. Joe Ellis, Post #343 Commander, will be the master of ceremonies. Jim Meyer, Post Chaplain will give the opening and closing prayer.  Daryl Hensley of DAV Chapter #77 and American Legion Post #147 will perform the POW/MIA Ritual remembering our prisoners of war and our missing-in-action Veterans.

This year’s Living Veteran to be recognized is Reynold “Lenny” Knust.

Lenny was drafted on January of 1945 into the US Army.  After training at Camp Kilmer in New Jersey, Lenny was sent to the Philippines and was in charge of the motor pool of vehicles coming from the Pacific Theatre.

Lenny was discharged on May 4th1947 and married Leona Giesler on April 28th1951 and purchased a farm raising six children. Leona passed away on July 1stof this year.

Lenny is a life member of American Legion Post #124 and VFW Post #2366where he served as Commander of Post #124 and served on its Honor Guard presenting over fifty folded American Flags to the families of deceased Veterans.  Lenny attended every meeting of the DCVC for over26 years since its inception in 1994 until his health would not allow him to attend.  Lenny’s community contributions include being a

Ferdinand Township Trustee, serving on the AgriculturalStabilization& Conservation Service Board, helping at the voting polls, helping on Red

Cross Blood drives, driving the Meals on Wheels vehicle for seventeen years and being a Eucharistic Minister and server for the Christ the King Parish in Ferdinand.  Lenny was on the Honor Flight in June 2018.

The observance will conclude with a 21 Gun Salute and Taps played by the Honor Guard of Holland American Legion Post #343 and a closing prayer by Chaplain Jim Meyer.

A lunch will be served for all in attendance.


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