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Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center 

Names Stacy Kotsko as Next GARDENER Award Winner

Jasper, Ind. – Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center has announced the next recipient of the GARDENER Award is Stacy Kotsko in Post-Surgical Services.

She is described as a “special angel” who makes her patients feel heard and understood and will pray with them if they desire or will pray for them while she works. She puts 200% into everything she does. Memorial Hospital is blessed to have Kotsko as part of our team. 

For more information on the Gardener Award, please visit or contact Brooke Ingram in Memorial Hospital’s Human Resources Department at 812-996-6267.

Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center created The GARDENER Award as a result of the internationally known DAISY Award that recognizes the super-human efforts nurses perform every day.  Memorial Hospital is fully aware that it takes an entire team to function as a hospital.  This team includes not only the nurses but also maintenance, billers, therapists, medical records, food service, etc.  Every employee is necessary and plays an important role every day.  The nurses would not be able to provide the proper care to patients without the appropriate support staff.  The GARDENER Award was created to acknowledge incredible support staff that goes above and beyond his/her regular call of duty. 

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