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The Dubois Branch Library has announced its list of events for August

– Wednesdays in August at 9 AM they will have Geri Fit, which is a light weight training class for seniors. Registration is required.

– Fridays in August, except on August 11th, at 9 AM they will have a Chair Yoga class. Registration is required.

– Wednesday, August 2nd at 11 AM they will have Little Farmers for ages 2-6 with an adult where there will be a story, a craft, and other activities about farming. No registration is required.

– Friday, August 4th from 2 to 4 PM they will have Diamond Painting for ages 8 and up with adults welcome. You can drop in any time between 2 and 4 to create a bookmark with plastic diamonds. The craft is available while supplies last and no registration is required.

– Monday, August 14th Friends of the Dubois Library will have their quarterly meeting at 7 PM. Where you can come and learn how you can support the library by being a Friend. Everyone is welcome.

– Wednesday, August 16th at 11 AM they will have Little Sculptors for ages 2-6 with an adult. There will be a story, a craft, and sculpting activities. No registration is required.

– Wednesday, August 16th at 6 PM there will be a ceramic owl painting craft for adults. Registration is required.

– Monday, August 21st at 6 PM there will be a ceramic animal painting craft for children and teens. Registration is required.

– Friday, August 25th from 2:30 to 3:30 PM the Lego Club for ages 8-12 will meet. Stop by to design, create, and construct with Legos. No registration is required.

– Monday, August 28th at 6:30 PM the End of the Month Book Club will meet. They are reading “Lincoln Highway” by Amor Towles. You can stop by the library to pick up a copy of the book.

The Library would also like to remind that on Friday, August 11th the library is closed from 10-1:30 PM for Staff Development Day.

For more details or to register for programs visit the Calendar on their website at or contact the Dubois Branch Library at 812-678-2548 or on Facebook at “Dubois Branch Library”.

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