7:11:14 PM

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The Dubois County Treasurer’s Office wants to remind county taxpayers of the upcoming deadline for the first installment of this year’s property tax.

Dubois County Treasurer Chad Blessinger says next Tuesday May 10th is the final day to pay the first installment of property taxes without penalty. The Treasurer’s office is located in the Dubois County Courthouse and is open until 4 pm today and Monday.

The office will also be open Saturday morning from 8 am till noon and until 5 pm next Tuesday.

An after-hours drop box is also available on the side of the Dubois County Annex building at the corner of 6th and Jackson Streets in Jasper. Online and operator assisted credit card payments are also accepted with more information available at www.paygov.us. A 2.5% convenience fee is added to all credit or debit card payments by the processing company.

Mailed-in payments are considered on time as long as they have a legible postmark from the United States Postal Service dated May 10th or earlier.

If a taxpayer needs a duplicate statement or has questions, they should contact the Treasurer’s office. Their phone number is 812-481-7080.

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