The Spencer County Regional Chamber of Commerce networked, honored and listened during their annual meeting Thursday night.
The Horizon Award for Perseverance was given to Maddox Industrial Contractors.
The Spencer County Chamber Member of the Year is M-P-W Industrial Services out of Rockport.
Entrepreneur of the Year is Rayelle Collection, Amy Foertsch.
The Non-Profit Member of the Year is CASA or Court Appointed Special Advocates.
The Spencer County Regional Chamber Board Members of the Year is Tara Damin of Clarke Deitz.
Ambassador of the Year was Carolyn Braun.
The annual meeting featured a State of the Chamber Address from Executive Director Kathy Reinke.
Kathy says she wants to thank everyone for a fantastic 2018 and supporting their local chamber and she can’t wait for what the future holds for Spencer County.
The highlight of the evening was a presentation by Pat Koch. Mrs. Koch is well known in the area for her faithful – giving attitude for children the world over…For being an elf.
Pat Koch gave a rousing presentation enjoyed and taken to heart by those in attendance.
Koch said with acts of kindness comes acts of care.
Koch is the founder of the Santa Claus Museum and Village in Santa Claus.
The 2019 Chair of the Spencer County Chamber is Kathy Tretter,
Vince Luecke is the immediate past chair.
Tara Damin is Vice Chair.
Melissa Arnold, Secretary, and Michelle Thompson, Treasurer.
Our television partner WJTS-TV 18 in Jasper will feature the Spencer County Regional Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting in its entirety Tuesday Night March 19th at 8 PM Eastern / 7 PM Central and again on Sunday, March 24th at 3 PM Eastern / 2 PM Central.