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HOLIDAY WORLD will welcome more than 3,000 children with disabilities, their teachers, and chaperones for a day of fun at the 31st annual HOLIDAY WORLD “PLAY DAY” on Wednesday, May 17 from 9 am until 2 pm CDT. 

The park will open ONLY for children with special needs, their teachers, and adult chaperones. School groups (preschool through high school) from throughout southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and western Kentucky participate in the special day, which is a highlight of the year for many area students with disabilities.

For the 31st consecutive year, Holiday World is donating all Play Day admissions to Easterseals. Including this year’s estimated donation, Play Day proceeds donated to Easterseals have now exceeded $610,000 since the event began in 1993.

The Easterseals Rehabilitation Center serves approximately 5,300 children and adults with disabilities from a 30-county area. Holiday World’s support helps to make a profound, positive difference in the lives of Tri-State individuals with disabilities every day.

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