Your 2023 Dubois County 4-H Queen’s Court is:
Annabelle Giesler, as the Junior Miss 1st Runner Up
Carli Foster, as the Junior Miss Dubois County.
Lexi Fuhrman, as the Teen Miss 2nd Runner Up.
Amerynn Fetter, as the Teen Miss 1st Runner Up.
Miss Bella Beckman, wears the tiara as Teen Miss Dubois County.
Miss Photogenic was awarded to Miss Maya Ziegler.
And for Miss Dubois County:
Brenna Brosmer, as the Miss 3rd Runner up.
Madison Wathen, as the Miss 2nd Runner up.
Ella Goeppner followed as the Miss 1st Runner up.
And your Miss Dubois County Queen for 2023 is:
Kate Stemle, who also wears the crown for Miss Congeniality!
Congratulations to all these wonderful ladies, and everyone who participated in the pageant, held at the Jasper High School auditorium.
The Dubois County 4-H Fair will be held on July 17th through July 22nd, at the Dubois County 4-H Fairgrounds, in Huntingburg! For updates, please visit their Facebook page.
You can watch the recorded Miss Dubois County 4-H pageant on our broadcast, Channel 18, next week at the following times:
Thursday, July 6th at 8PM EST
Sunday, July 9th at 2PM EST.
With YouTube video upload to follow on our YouTube channel.