The Invasive Plants Awareness Coalition is hosting an invasive plant control class for landowners
This class is comprehensive one-day training on invasive plant control and will be at the Southern Indiana Purdue Agricultural Center located at 11371 Purdue Farm Road in Dubois.
It will be hands-on training by foresters and natural resource professionals and will include topics such as: assessing your invasive plant program, the three pillars of invasive plant management, selecting control options, herbicide use, and considerations, control funding and technical assistance, and setting invasive management goals and objectives.
The class will consist of classroom portions, as well as an in-field demonstration of equipment and invasive control methods, and will also include lunch.
The training costs $25 and will run from 9 AM to 5 PM on Saturday, September 9th.
Registration is required and is due by September 1st.
To register contact Veronica Helming at 812-482-1171 x3, or