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The Jasper Street Dept. along with the contractor, Seal Master, will begin their annual Asphalt Pavement Preservation Projects (Liquid Road), beginning on Tuesday, July 11, barring any unforeseen events. This surface coating is comparable to a seal coating; however, it is thicker, more durable & designed to wear longer than an ordinary seal coating.

Residents will be notified via a door hanger the day before the application begins on their street. Residents must have all vehicles removed from garages, streets & driveways prior to 7:00 A.M. on the day which the application is applied to their street & will not be allowed back on the street until it is re-opened, i.e. barricades are removed by the contractor. Neither motorists nor pedestrians will be allowed on these streets during/after the application of Liquid Road, until the substance is thoroughly dry, which is approximately 2 days. Treated streets, will remain closed for approximately 2 days, depending on weather & material drying conditions.

Following is a list of those streets that will be affected: (will not necessarily be processed in this order)

Tree Lane

Brett Court

Ryan Drive

Kundek St. – 13th to Wagner St.

Lee Drive – north of 41st St.

Timberpoint Drive – north of 41st St.

Manor Drive – north of 41st St.

26th St. – Newton St. to Good Samaritan Health Care parking lot (visitors should use the back entrance via Pleasant View Dr. and Kunkel Ave.)

Brames Road – Church Ave to Hochgesang Ave.

MacArthur St. – 8th to 9th St.

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