The Dubois County Emergency Management Agency has issued updated information about debris removal sites following recent severe storms.
Due to high demand, opening dates at two debris removal sites have been extended. Haysville Park South Field, on the North side of the road past the mill, and the corner of 960 East and State Highway 56, will be available for debris removal from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. until Wednesday, August 23, 2023. Please note that the Dubois removal site is now closed. Construction debris dumpsters are available at both sites with extended operations; a metal dumpster is located at the Haysville Park location where natural wood debris can be disposed of.
Officials continue requesting woody debris for disposal in the county right-of-way be placed next to the roadway for pick-up and appreciate items being cut to lengths smaller than 8 feet.
State and county law does not allow for open burning of storm debris with the exception of clean, untreated wood and tree limbs. Small burn piles should always be supervised and property owners are encouraged to contact their local fire chief before burning any natural debris.