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Purdue Extension Forestry & Natural Resources is inviting Landowners to take part in a comprehensive one-day invasive plant control training course at the Southern Indiana Purdue Agricultural Center, located at 11371 Purdue Farm Road in Dubois.

This is a practical, hands-on training by foresters and natural resource professionals, and includes topics such as assessing your invasive plant program, the three pillars of invasive plant management, selecting control options, herbicide use and considerations, control funding, and technical assistance, and setting invasive management goals and objectives.

It will consist of classroom portions, as well as in-field demonstrations of equipment and invasive control methods. Lunch will be included, and registrants are encouraged to ask about any accessibility needs during registration.

The training costs $25 and will run from 9 AM to 5 PM on Saturday, September 21st, 2024.

Registration is required and must be made by September 13th. To register for the course contact Veronica Helming at 812-482-1171, extension 3, or

This event is hosted by Purdue Extension Forestry & Natural Resources, in cooperation with the Orange County Invasives Partnership, the Invasive Species Awareness Coalition of Dubois County, the Dubois and Orange County Soil & Water Conservation Districts, and Indiana DNR Forestry.

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