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The Dubois County Board of Commissioners held their regular meeting Monday, covering a range of topics from highway department updates to public concerns about the Mid-States Corridor project and staffing changes in county departments.

One of the meeting’s key issues involved the Dubois County Sheriff’s Office, which informed the board of an upcoming retirement that will leave a crucial vacancy. The retiring employee has managed much of the county’s IT operations for 25 years. The board recognized the need for future discussions about either creating a formal IT position or establishing a dedicated IT department to ensure continuity in county operations.

Highway Superintendent Steve Berg presented updates on current department needs, including a request for an additional $60,000 for pipe inventory. The funds will be used to replenish supplies that have been exhausted due to culvert replacements throughout the year. Berg also addressed the need for two new hires following recent retirements in the department, with winter approaching and snow management becoming a priority. The Commissioners approved the purchase of a new in-ground hoist for the department to improve safety at the highway garage.

Meanwhile, County Highway Engineer Brent Wendholt presented a proposal to apply for federal aid to improve safety at bridge intersections. Wendholt requested the use of 90-10 funding, where the federal government would cover 90 percent of the costs. The board agreed this was a beneficial investment for improving the county’s infrastructure and approved the request to move forward with the federal application process.

In public comments, resident Wayne Porter voiced concerns about the Mid-States Corridor project. He suggested that significant road projects, such as the Mid-States Corridor, should be subject to a public vote. Porter also pointed out that there was no opportunity for public input at the recent Mid-States Corridor meeting, which he felt was a missed chance for local engagement.

In other business, the City of Celestine received approval for a temporary road closure on Sunday, December 1, for their annual Christmas Parade. The parade will run from 5:30 to 7 p.m., starting at the Celestine Church. Additionally, the Commissioners approved moving forward with the bidding process for an updated HVAC control system for the Courthouse.

You can follow the Dubois County Government’s Facebook page for more information or visit their YouTube Channel to watch Monday morning’s meeting.