Latest News

Sisters of St. Benedict Invites Community to Celebrate Catholic Sisters Week Jasper Police Arrest Two for Neglect After Infant Found in Vehicle Daviess County Sheriff’s Office Seeks Public’s Help in Locating Shooting Suspect Sen. Schmitt Backs Major Property Tax Relief Package And Visits With Local Students Fatal Crash Closes State Road 37 Near Alamo Road on Wednesday

Officials from  local government entities in Dubois County would like to remind you that offices will be closed on Monday, September 5th in observance of Labor Day. Offices from Jasper, Huntingburg, and Ferdinand will re-open September 6th. The Jasper City Hall, Jasper Street Department and all Jasper Utilities Administrative offices will all be closed on Monday Sept 5th with Trash pick-up on Tuesday September 6th. Trash and cardboard recycling pickup for the rest of the week will be on the regular schedule. Please place trash and cardboard recycling at the curbside by 7:00 a.m.

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