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Air Quality Action Day Forecasted for Today by IDEM Indiana Secretary of State Diego Morales Urges Hoosiers to be Mindful of Elder Abuse USDA Reminding Indiana Producers to File Crop Acreage Reports with the Farm Service Agency Body of Mitchell Man Recovered from White River in Lawrence County AGT Finalist Preacher Lawson to Perform in Jasper on October 19

Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center is excited to announce that the next recipient of the DAISY Award is Joyce Willis, BSN, RN!  Willis is a registered nurse in Women and Infant Services. She is described as someone who brings smiles, jokes and comfort to her patients. Memorial Hospital is blessed to have Willis as part of our team.  For more information on how you can nominate a nurse, visit or contact Brooke Ingram in Human Resources at 812-996-6267.   

The DAISY Award is an international program that rewards and celebrates the extraordinary clinical skill and compassionate care given by nurses every day.  Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center is proud to be a DAISY Award Partner, recognizing one of our nurses with this special honor each quarter.  To find out more about the DAISY Foundation, please go to

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