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Bloomington, IN-

Three weeks ago we reported to you that a 4th IU Fraternity had been placed on a “cease and desist” order from the school.

On Wednesday, for the fifth time since August 15th, another fraternity has been added to that list.

According to Indiana University, they have placed Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity on “cease and desist” orders following reports of serious hazing. Other fraternity’s on this list include:

-Kappa Sigma: Alcohol, endangering others, and hazing (Ordered on August 15)

-Alpha Phi Alpha: Hazing (Ordered on September 1)

-Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Hazing (Ordered on October 10)

-Delta Upsilon: Endangering Others and Hazing (Ordered on October 10)

Indiana University has 28 fraternities at its Bloomington campus. These five fraternities have had all activities suspended until further notice. During a “cease and desist” period, all organizational activities must be halted within the chapter. Further acts of gross misconduct will result in additional consequences such as suspension or expulsion from IU.

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