Sister Mary George Kissel of Monastery Immaculate Conception in Ferdinand, Indiana, died at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, January 21, 2024, at Scenic Hills at the Monastery in Ferdinand.
Sister Mary George was born Mary Barbara Kisselon on September 18, 1923, in Evansville, Indiana, the second of seven children of George J. and Leona Barbara(Scheller) Kissel. She entered the Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand in 1938 from St. JamesParish and made her monastic vows in 1940.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her brother George Kissel and sister-in-law Renilda (Meny) Kissel; her brother Nicholas Kissel; her sister, Sister Margaret Carolyn Kissel; her brother Robert Kissel and sister-in-law Jeannette (Seibert) Kissel; her sister Cecilia Kissel; and her sister Patricia (Kissel) Trainer and brother-in-law Thomas Trainer. She is survived by her nieces and nephews and her religious family.
Sister Mary George Kissel earned a Bachelor’s degree in Education from St. Benedict College and a Master’s degree in Elementary Education from Indiana State University. She also studied at the University of Evansville.
Sister Mary George Kissel taught elementary students at St. Benedict School (where she also served as a tutor), Holy Spirit School, St. Joseph School, and Resurrection School, all in Evansville, IN; Christ the King School in Indianapolis, IN; St. Peter Celestine School in Celestine, IN; and St. Henry Elementary School in St. Henry, IN. She also served as principal at Christ the King School, Holy Spirit School, St. Joseph School, and Resurrection School. She taught on two separate occasions as a foreign missionary at Colegio San Carlos in Bogota, Colombia. She taught special education students at Evansville Rehab Center in Evansville, IN as a reading therapist and tutor; and was a founder, director, and tutor for The Reading Carrel, Inc., also in Evansville. She worked in supportive services at Monastery Immaculate Conception in Ferdinand, IN, where she most recently served in prayer ministry.
Public visitation will be held in Marian Parlor at Monastery Immaculate Conception in Ferdinand, Indiana, on Thursday, January 25from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 to 6:45 p.m.EST, and on Friday, January 26from 2:00 to 4:15 p.m. EST in the monastery church.AVigil Service will be held in the monastery church on Thursday, January 25at7:00p.m. EST. Funeral Mass will be held on Friday, January 26 at 4:30 p.m. EST with burial in the monastery cemetery. The public may view the Vigil Service and Funeral Mass at funeral.thedome.org. Becher Funeral Home in Ferdinand is in charge of the arrangements.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand.